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Revised COAST Project Summary


The COAST Project effectively began in January 2009, and was expected to run for five years up to the end of 2013. A Mid Term Evaluation (MTE) was conducted in order to objectively assess how project performance could be improved during the remaining period of the project. This MTE was completed by the middle of December 2011 and made a number of significant recommendations which aim to enhance project delivery and streamline the expected outcomes. In order to do this, it was advised to produce a simplified Project Document. This resulted in a Revised Project Summary (substituting the previous Project Document) that is based largely upon the MTE recommendations.

The Revised Project Summary has the following main objectives:

  • First, it aims to present the main elements of the COAST Project in a simple and coherent way, so that from this point onwards team members and partners can substitute this document in place of the original Project Document.
  • Secondly, it presents the new strategy and logical framework, management structure, key roles and summarised indicators against each output and outcome.
  • Finally, it includes a revised budget and project time frame extending the project without further cost to 30 June 2014.

Revised Project Log Frame


    The MTE recognizes that mainstreaming the lessons learned and results from the project is an intention in the original project design. A Knowledge Management and Communications Strategy is currently being implemented to appropriately capture and disseminate best practices, project impacts, lessons learned and results.



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