Main Result 2 (Component 2)
Developed mechanisms for
sustainable tourism governance
and management
Activities contributing towards
Result 2:
2.1 Test and evaluate the draft
Tourism policy within the demo
project area, and provide feedback
to the CZM committee
2.2 Review the Tourism planning
Baseline and follow up
monitoring environmental data
Evidence of a practical conflict
management mechanism being
The number and type of
community-based initiatives being
marketed through local hoteliers
and operators compared with the
baseline year
Evidence of diverse stakeholder
involvement in KWS marine park
planning mechanisms
KWS recognition of the value of
such sites
Agreed process for legal
recognition in place
A coastal zone task force or
committee with diverse
representation of stakeholders is
meeting on a regular and effective
basis, and is able to influence
government and private sector
initiatives within the same zone
Evidence of the feedback and
results provided to the CZM
committee and evidence of policy
Evidence of feedback on the
Project reports
Coastal zone committee meetings
and reports
Stakeholder views and
perspectives from participatory
Project publications and website
Stakeholder views and
perspectives from participatory
The existing CZM committee will
welcome the COAST project and
be willing to take on and promote
the recommendations arising from
the demo sites, thereby providing
a mechanism for influencing
governance and future policy
mechanisms and provide feedback
to the CZM committee
2.3 Monitor, review and provide
recommendations on the pricing
policy and benefit sharing
mechanisms within the marine
national parks
2.4 Develop a disaster
preparedness plan which is
integrated across all relevant
2.5 Provide advice and support to
enhance the environmental award
scheme for hotels, community
groups and schools
2.6 Review current EIA and
auditing processes within NEMA
and modify so as to make specific
to the tourism sector
2.7 Review standards, policies,
and regulations on infrastructure
planning and development in line
with the draft tourism policy
2.8 Develop a coordination model
for sustainable tourism at Watamu
as an example of destination
2.9 Commission a consultancy to
examine options for sustainable
financing approaches for
community tourism
2.10 Develop and test a code of
conduct for reef users
mechanisms and the debates and
decisions made as a result by the
CZM committee
Changes in pricing and benefit
sharing mechanisms and policy
within KWS
The existence of a disaster
preparedness plan and awareness
and clarity on the various roles
across the relevant stakeholders
Increased community and private
sector interest in the awards.
ghana-demonstration-project-background-document — PDF document, 293 kB (300252 bytes)