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ANNEX B6: NIGERIA - NATIONAL DEMONSTRATIONS FOR TESTING BEST AVAILABLE PRACTICES AND BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Demonstration project focus – Heritage and cultural eco-tourism along the Badagry Peninsular Process used to reach revised Demonstration project document, logical framework and work plan: At the end of the planning phase for the COAST project (mid 2006) each partner country had produced (with consultant support) a narrative project document describing in general terms the proposed demonstration project(s).
Main Result 2 (Component 2) Developed mechanisms for sustainable tourism governance and management Activities contributing towards Result 2: 2.1 Test and evaluate the draft Tourism policy within the demo project area, and provide feedback to the CZM committee 2.2 Review the Tourism planning Baseline and follow up monitoring environmental data Evidence of a practical conflict management mechanism being used The number and type of community-based initiatives being marketed through local hoteliers and operators compared with the baseline year Evidence of diverse stakeholder involvement in KWS marine park planning mechanisms KWS recognition of the value of such sites Agreed process for legal recognition in place A coastal zone task force or committee with diverse representation of stakeholders is meeting on a regular and effective basis, and is able to influence government and private sector initiatives within the same zone Evidence of the feedback and results provided to the CZM committee and evidence of policy revisions Evidence of feedback on the Project reports Coastal zone committee meetings and reports Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory The existing CZM committee will welcome the COAST project and be willing to take on and promote the recommendations arising from the demo sites, thereby providing a mechanism for influencing governance and future policy mechanisms and provide feedback to the CZM committee 2.3 Monitor, review and provide recommendations on the pricing policy and benefit sharing mechanisms within the marine national parks 2.4 Develop a disaster preparedness plan which is integrated across all relevant sectors 2.5 Provide advice and support to enhance the environmental award scheme for hotels, community groups and schools 2.6 Review current EIA and auditing processes within NEMA and modify so as to make specific to the tourism sector 2.7 Review standards, policies, and regulations on infrastructure planning and development in line with the draft tourism policy 2.8 Develop a coordination model for sustainable tourism at Watamu as an example of destination planning 2.9 Commission a consultancy to examine options for sustainable financing approaches for community tourism 2.10 Develop and test a code of conduct for reef users mechanisms and the debates and decisions made as a result by the CZM committee Changes in pricing and benefit sharing mechanisms and policy within KWS The existence of a disaster preparedness plan and awareness and clarity on the various roles across the relevant stakeholders Increased community and private sector interest in the awards.
Main Result 2 (Component 2) Developed mechanisms for sustainable tourism governance and management Activities contributing towards Result 2: 2.1 Test and evaluate the draft Tourism policy within the demo project area, and provide feedback to the CZM committee 2.2 Review the Tourism planning Baseline and follow up monitoring environmental data Evidence of a practical conflict management mechanism being used The number and type of community-based initiatives being marketed through local hoteliers and operators compared with the baseline year Evidence of diverse stakeholder involvement in KWS marine park planning mechanisms KWS recognition of the value of such sites Agreed process for legal recognition in place A coastal zone task force or committee with diverse representation of stakeholders is meeting on a regular and effective basis, and is able to influence government and private sector initiatives within the same zone Evidence of the feedback and results provided to the CZM committee and evidence of policy revisions Evidence of feedback on the Project reports Coastal zone committee meetings and reports Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory The existing CZM committee will welcome the COAST project and be willing to take on and promote the recommendations arising from the demo sites, thereby providing a mechanism for influencing governance and future policy mechanisms and provide feedback to the CZM committee 2.3 Monitor, review and provide recommendations on the pricing policy and benefit sharing mechanisms within the marine national parks 2.4 Develop a disaster preparedness plan which is integrated across all relevant sectors 2.5 Provide advice and support to enhance the environmental award scheme for hotels, community groups and schools 2.6 Review current EIA and auditing processes within NEMA and modify so as to make specific to the tourism sector 2.7 Review standards, policies, and regulations on infrastructure planning and development in line with the draft tourism policy 2.8 Develop a coordination model for sustainable tourism at Watamu as an example of destination planning 2.9 Commission a consultancy to examine options for sustainable financing approaches for community tourism 2.10 Develop and test a code of conduct for reef users mechanisms and the debates and decisions made as a result by the CZM committee Changes in pricing and benefit sharing mechanisms and policy within KWS The existence of a disaster preparedness plan and awareness and clarity on the various roles across the relevant stakeholders Increased community and private sector interest in the awards.
1 • 1 For example for Cameroun the following GEF budget allocations to cover the complete demo project period (3-4yrs) have been given as a guideline: Consultants and personnel inputs approx $122k 1 COAST – Collaborative Actions for Sustainable Tourism – Project Following the approach used by the GEF supported WIO-Lab project, we are proposing that the COAST project adopts a similar mechanisms for estimating partner country contributions to the project where government in-kind contributions are made (obviously in addition to any cash contributions) 2 .
9 • • • • • • • 9 For example for Mozambique the following GEF budget allocations to cover the complete demo project period (3-4yrs) have been given as a guideline: Consultants and personnel inputs approx $115k In-country travel approx $12k Demo site activities approx $92k Demo site equipment approx $73k Cross-country training and meetings approx $103k Monitoring and evaluation approx $15k Reports, awareness and publications approx $30k 21 Following the approach used by the GEF supported WIO-Lab project, we are proposing that the COAST project adopts a similar mechanisms for estimating partner country contributions to the project where government in-kind contributions are made (obviously in addition to any cash contributions) 10 .
ANNEX B2: The GAMBIA - NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION FOR TESTING BEST AVAILABLE PRACTICES AND BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Demonstration project focus – Strengthening community-based eco-tourism and joint-venture partnerships within a revised coastal land use policy framework Process used to reach revised Demonstration project document, logical framework and work plan: At the end of the planning phase for the COAST project (mid 2006) each partner country had produced (with consultant support) a narrative project document describing in general terms the proposed demonstration project(s).
Some of the suggested criteria and indicators which may be selected for inclusion in this matrix are listed below: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Number of stakeholders identified Number of institutional analyses of all the stakeholders done and validated Number of institutional instruments for CZM, tourism activities and biodiversity conservation identified and assessed Number of good practices in sustainable use of coastal resources identified and disseminated Number of workshops on participatory critical situation analysis held Level of participation of stakeholders in the above workshops Availability and effective use of indicators to monitor the coastal zone conservation and integrity Availability of training modules to raise awareness and support capacity building including beach management units to deal with litter Number of training sessions on awareness and capacity building Number of seminars on conflict resolution for coastal stakeholders Number of conflicts among communities as compare to an initial situation Number of support programmes for Community based ecotourism projects Area covered by reforestation programme along the coast Availability of and use of a Participatory Coastal Zone Planning Model including mapping Existence of a local multi stakeholders coordination group for sustainable coastal tourism Extension of the marine turtle protection program in other sites along the southern coast Number of newly developed small attractions marketed Number of links with positive effects between into local community operators/ hotels Availability and effective use of indicators of performance measures for project Existence of a permanent discussion body for coordination of the integrated coastal zone management Percentage of hotels accepting to invest in EMS Effective relocation of activities and rehabilitation of the Londji beach for tourism Number of tourists visiting the site and annual income of the community members 8 Version 30/7/09 Annex A1: The Cameroun Demo Project Site Kribi (Grand Batanga, Lobe Falls, Londji beach): – Revised Logical Framework and Associated First Year Work plan Overall Objective: To promote improved conservation, management and monitoring of coastal biodiversity, and to enhance and diversify local livelihoods through eco-tourism as a means of alleviating poverty.
ANNEX B 4: KENYA - NATIONAL DEMONSTRATIONS FOR TESTING BEST AVAILABLE PRACTICES AND BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Demonstration project focus – Integrated Sustainable Tourism Destination Planning Process used to reach revised Demonstration project document, logical framework and work plan: At the end of the planning phase for the COAST project (mid 2006) each partner country had produced (with consultant support) a narrative project document describing in general terms the proposed demonstration project(s).
local boat, Beach Management Units, fishermen and tourism operators) (existence of registered local associations, % of relevant local reef users involved in each association) 69 Revised Draft 2 02/07/2009 • Existence of legal framework for creation of local associations (Yes/No) • Formal registration procedures of local associations (Yes/No) • Existence of code of conduct/rules for each association established by the members (Yes/No) • Number/% of reefs with visitor management plans (Target=75%) • Number of enforcement staff per km2 of reef, per tour boat, per tourist (will depend on logistics of the particular sites and resources available) (Target= X per km2 / reef - need to verify for each site) • Resources sufficient for enforcement (Target 100%) • % of enforcement officers with sufficient training (Target=100%) • % of conflicts resolved, or being addressed, through conflict resolution processes (Target X) • % of sites with participatory monitoring and self-enforcement programs (by country) (Target=50% of demo sites) • % of reef users are licensed/have use permits • Conflict mitigation systems in place, with stakeholder participation • % of legislation/rules enforced • MPA/reserve/community reserve (presence/absence) • Management plans/legislation revised/developed through participatory processes (Yes/No) • Legislation permits for local participation in management/enforcement (Yes/No) • % MPA/community reserves with co-management plans (i.e.
ANNEX B 3: GHANA - NATIONAL DEMONSTRATIONS FOR TESTING BEST AVAILABLE PRACTICES AND BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Demonstration project focus – Integrated Sustainable Eco-tourism Destination Planning and Environmental Management Systems Process used to reach revised Demonstration project document, logical framework and work plan: At the end of the planning phase for the COAST project (mid 2006) each partner country had produced (with consultant support) a narrative project document describing in general terms the proposed demonstration project(s).
number of tourism sector jobs ► Allocation of resources (distribution among community members, sectors, gender, socal unit, SMEs) ► National PRSP (poverty) monitoring (allocation of benefits such as jobs, income, access to social services, contribution of tourism towards poverty alleviation) ► Sustainable tourism indicators, including competitiveness, ecological footprint of tourist, ecological footprints of tourism resorts Environmental Status Indicators ► % of coastal ecosystem (in tourist zones) considered to be in good condition (re: erosion, maintenance, contamination, garbage) ► % of coastal ecosystems (particularly beaches, mangroves, reef areas targeted by tourism) considered to be in good condition and/or considered degraded (GIS based) ► Environmental benefits (areas under management, specific measures of key ecological benefits such as area protected, area rehabilitated, species conserved) ► Increased stakeholder awareness and documented stakeholder involvement Broad tourism data is available from the Lagos State Waterfront & Tourism Development Corporation. (%) of destination / coastal zone stakeholders in the three sites participating in SEA process ► Social benefits provided by the tourism industry (number employed, measures of increased health, waste management, general environmental infrastructure, distribution of benefits) ► Sustainable tourism indicators – competitiveness, ecological footprint of tourist, level of voluntary environmental regulation ► Environmental benefits (specific measures of key ecological benefits such as areas 101 Revised Draft 2 ► 07.07.2009 rehabilitated, areas with visitor management plans in place) % of coastal ecosystems (particularly beaches, mangroves, reef areas targeted by tourism) considered to be in good condition and/or considered degraded (GIS based indicator) Environmental Status Indicators ► % of waste reduction from tourism industry ► Aggregate water consumption reductions ► Aggregate energy reductions / increase in the use of non-hydrocarbon & renewable energy sources ► Coliform counts on key coastal water bodies (% of water bodies with monitoring) ► Increased stakeholder awareness and documented stakeholder involvement Note that the above list of indicators is to be used as a menu for elaboration of site specific indicators which will be selected during the project initiation phase.
Main Result 4 (Component 4) Captured, managed and disseminated information to assist in replication and uptake of best practices and lessons Effectiveness of the MoU as measured by the number and diversity of trainings held Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys project to develop local stakeholder capacity in sustainable tourism management Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Number and type of hotels and tour operators who have benefited Training needs assessment report and the number of trainings design and delivered during the demo project period Training & Consultancy reports Number and type of the BAPs and Project publications and website BATs documented and resources disseminated Stakeholder views and Number and type of media used to perspectives from participatory disseminate the project results surveys NB> link this activity with a similar consultancy input in Demo project 2 Stakeholders within the demo project area are willing to share their experiences with other areas and organisations beyond the demo project site Activities contributing towards 111 Revised Draft 2 Result 4: 4.1 Based on the demo project areas document & disseminate the investment rationale for EMS techniques and technology in Senegal’s Petite Cote 4.2 Implement a process of outreach to other hotels along the Petite Cote utilising the demo project results 05.07.2009 Monitoring data and results of analysis exist Number and type of materials produced and the extent of their dissemination Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys 112 Revised Draft 2 05.07.2009 Country: Title: Senegal – Site 2 Petite Cote Eco-tourism Destination Planning (Mbour, Malicounda, Ngueniene, Joal) Executing body: Ministry of Environment / SAPCO Cost of Project: US$605,244 GEF:US$200,000 Co-financing:US$405,244 Linkage to Project Priority Demonstrations: 1B: Development of eco-tourism to alleviate poverty through sustainable alternative livelihoods and generate revenues for conservation of biodiversity and the benefit of the local community;
Main Result 3 (Component 3) Delivered training and capacity building in sustainable tourism using an integrated approach 30/06/2009 committee and evidence of policy and/or regulatory revisions Evidence of joint sharing meetings and exchange visits Project reports Partner reports Eco-tourism strategy finalised and being implemented Consultant reports Evidence of modification of the strategy development and process of implementation in the tourism sector as a result of demo project activities Completed consultancy and its recommendations Evidence of consistency between the training needs assessment and training design and delivery Evidence of locally available training courses on the topics originally designed and promoted by the demo project Activities contributing towards Result 3: 3.1 Identify and establish an MoU with a locally based training Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Nature and effectiveness of the MoU as measured by the number Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Suitable locally based research, education or training organisation is interested to partner with the project to develop local stakeholder capacity in sustainable tourism management Project publications and website resources 136 Revised Draft 2 and/or research institute in order to build sustainable tourism management capacity along the Tanzanian coast and island communities 3.2 Commission a consultancy to undertake a training needs assessment for stakeholder and community level training and design and deliver training in one or more of the following (EMS, eco-labelling, eco- tourism , waste management, business marketing & management) 3.3 Design and deliver Ecolabelling and eco-certification training for selected hotels on Mafia island 3.4 Work with BATREN and the Bagamoyo cultural tourism and training community organisation to build capacity & design and deliver locally relevant training (e.g.
ANNEX B 9: TANZANIA - NATIONAL DEMONSTRATIONS FOR BEST AVAILABLE PRACTICES AND BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Demonstration project focus – Integrated Sustainable Tourism Destination Planning Process used to reach revised Demonstration project document, logical framework and work plan: At the end of the planning phase for the COAST project (mid 2006) each partner country had produced (with consultant support) a narrative project document describing in general terms the proposed demonstration project(s).
32 Annex B 7: Senegal Site 1 (EMS on Petite Cote): Work Plan for year 1 (1st July 2009 - 30th June 2010): to be reviewed in Nov 2009 in order to fit with the next government budget cycle No Activity/Task 1 Develop and agree an MoU between UNIDO and DEEC Agree disbursement procedure for demo GEF funds Identify and recruit Demo Coordinator Prepare and implement initial demo project awareness raising activities (public event, brochure) Identify and nominate key representatives from each stakeholder group as a local management committee (EMS & erosion control management) Undertake a baseline survey to identify the key sources of local land-based contamination in the tourist sector and report the results Undertake a local assessment of capacity gaps (in the three sub-theme areas) and report the results to check against proposed 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quarter One (Jul-Sept) Quarter Two (Oct- Dec) Quarter Three (Jan –March) 33 Quarter Four (April – June) Lead agency Budget 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 activities Develop a partnership action plan/pathway for each and agree roles Design and agree an information collection, analysis, use and dissemination action plan Design and produce educational materials on HIV/AIDS, gender and environmental conservation and disseminate throughout the project period Develop and test an enhanced monitoring mechanism for destination planning using UNWTO indicators Identify and establish an MoU with a locally based training and/or research institute Begin work with selected hotels to demonstrate an investment rationale for EMS, eco-certification and labelling Start to identify actions required by hotels & partners in order to gain eco-label status 34 Annex B 8: Senegal Site 2: Work Plan for year 1 (1st July 2009 - 30th June 2010): to be reviewed in Nov 2009 in order to fit with the next government budget cycle No Activity/Task 1 Develop and agree an MoU between UNIDO and DEEC 2 Agree disbursement procedure for demo GEF funds Identify and recruit Demo Coordinator Prepare and implement initial demo project awareness raising activities (public event, brochure) Identify and nominate key representatives from each stakeholder group as a local management committee (eco-tourism) Undertake a baseline survey to identify the key local land- and marine based contamination in the tourist sector and report the results Undertake a local assessment of capacity gaps 3 4 5 6 7 Quarter One (Jul-Sept) Quarter Two (Oct- Dec) Quarter Three (Jan –March) Lead agency Budget This column needs to be completed by the Senegalese stakeholders 35 Quarter Four (April – June) This column needs to be completed by the Senegalese stakeholders 8 9 10 11 12 13 (in eco-tourism) and report the results to check against proposed activities Develop a partnership action plan/pathway for eco-tourism and agree roles Design and agree an information collection, analysis, use and dissemination action plan Design and produce educational materials on HIV/AIDS, gender and environmental conservation and disseminate throughout the project period Develop and test an enhanced monitoring mechanism for destination planning using UNWTO indicators Build upon existing Centre de Suivi Ecologique mapping and develop beach/lagoon & marine use maps and complete for all the community ecotourism sites Share the mapping results with all relevant stakeholders in order to establish a use zoning and conservation management approach 36 14 15 Identify and establish an MoU with a locally based training and/or research institute to begin work on a training needs assessment Begin work with selected communities to design their eco-tourism products and support them to develop an investment plan 37
ASSET), 07.07.2009 as compared with the baseline year Changes in waste and sewage disposal methods/infrastructure as compared with baseline year A coastal zone task force or multipartner group with diverse representation of stakeholders is meeting on a regular and effective basis, and is able to influence government and private sector initiatives within the same zone Project reports Evidence of the feedback and results provided to the multipartner group and evidence of policy revisions Evidence of a sustainable coordination mechanism for Project publications and website resources Coastal zone multi-partner meetings and reports Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Meeting reports and recommendations 26 The existing stakeholders will welcome the COAST project and be willing to take on and promote the recommendations arising from the demo sites, thereby providing a mechanism for influencing governance and future policy Revised Draft 2 NGOs and the private sector to improve communication, cooperation and reduce overlapping issues and resolve conflicts within the tourism sector 2.2 Support and test the implementation of the Responsible Tourism Guidelines for the Gambia, the Tourism Masterplan, and the Ecotourism Strategy (approved 2007) 2.3 Clarify institutional mechanisms incorporating coordination and cooperation between stakeholders at local, district and provincial levels to support smooth implementation of the masterplan in TDA areas (Kartong zone) 2.4 Review institutional mandates relating to community-based ecotourism in Oyster Creek and make recommendations for a longterm solution 2.5 Raise public and investor awareness regarding policy and regulations on sale of land within TDAs, and enforce them 2.6 Consider introducing entry and resource-use fees to marketrelated levels to raise revenue for conservation and community 07.07.2009 destination planning at the demo sites Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Partner organisation reports Number of recommendations on changes in policy, regulation and standards made, and the number approved Use of these guidelines and strategy with demo project areas Clarified linkages and mandates documented and being utilised for new investments Clarified roles and documented and agreed mandates Documentation and the number of disseminated materials for public and private investors within the TDAs.
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