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Main Result 4 (Component 4) Captured, managed and disseminated information to assist in replication and uptake of best practices and lessons Effectiveness of the MoU as measured by the number and diversity of trainings held Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys project to develop local stakeholder capacity in sustainable tourism management Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Number and type of hotels and tour operators who have benefited Training needs assessment report and the number of trainings design and delivered during the demo project period Training & Consultancy reports Number and type of the BAPs and Project publications and website BATs documented and resources disseminated Stakeholder views and Number and type of media used to perspectives from participatory disseminate the project results surveys NB> link this activity with a similar consultancy input in Demo project 2 Stakeholders within the demo project area are willing to share their experiences with other areas and organisations beyond the demo project site Activities contributing towards 111 Revised Draft 2 Result 4: 4.1 Based on the demo project areas document & disseminate the investment rationale for EMS techniques and technology in Senegal’s Petite Cote 4.2 Implement a process of outreach to other hotels along the Petite Cote utilising the demo project results 05.07.2009 Monitoring data and results of analysis exist Number and type of materials produced and the extent of their dissemination Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys 112 Revised Draft 2 05.07.2009 Country: Title: Senegal – Site 2 Petite Cote Eco-tourism Destination Planning (Mbour, Malicounda, Ngueniene, Joal) Executing body: Ministry of Environment / SAPCO Cost of Project: US$605,244 GEF:US$200,000 Co-financing:US$405,244 Linkage to Project Priority Demonstrations: 1B: Development of eco-tourism to alleviate poverty through sustainable alternative livelihoods and generate revenues for conservation of biodiversity and the benefit of the local community;

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