Main Result 3 (Component 3)
Delivered training and capacity
building in sustainable tourism
using an integrated approach
committee and evidence of policy
and/or regulatory revisions
Evidence of joint sharing
meetings and exchange visits
Project reports
Partner reports
Eco-tourism strategy finalised and
being implemented
Consultant reports
Evidence of modification of the
strategy development and process
of implementation in the tourism
sector as a result of demo project
Completed consultancy and its
Evidence of consistency between
the training needs assessment and
training design and delivery
Evidence of locally available
training courses on the topics
originally designed and promoted
by the demo project
Activities contributing towards
Result 3:
3.1 Identify and establish an
MoU with a locally based training
Stakeholder views and
perspectives from participatory
Nature and effectiveness of the
MoU as measured by the number
Project publications and website
Stakeholder views and
perspectives from participatory
Suitable locally based research,
education or training organisation
is interested to partner with the
project to develop local
stakeholder capacity in sustainable
tourism management
Project publications and website
Revised Draft 2
and/or research institute in order
to build sustainable tourism
management capacity along the
Tanzanian coast and island
3.2 Commission a consultancy to
undertake a training needs
assessment for stakeholder and
community level training and
design and deliver training in one
or more of the following (EMS,
eco-labelling, eco- tourism , waste
management, business marketing
& management)
3.3 Design and deliver Ecolabelling and eco-certification
training for selected hotels on
Mafia island
3.4 Work with BATREN and the
Bagamoyo cultural tourism and
training community organisation
to build capacity & design and
deliver locally relevant training
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