local boat, Beach Management Units, fishermen
and tourism operators) (existence of registered local associations, % of relevant local reef users
involved in each association)
Revised Draft 2
Existence of legal framework for creation of local associations (Yes/No)
Formal registration procedures of local associations (Yes/No)
Existence of code of conduct/rules for each association established by the members (Yes/No)
Number/% of reefs with visitor management plans (Target=75%)
Number of enforcement staff per km2 of reef, per tour boat, per tourist (will depend on
logistics of the particular sites and resources available) (Target= X per km2 / reef - need to verify
for each site)
Resources sufficient for enforcement (Target 100%)
% of enforcement officers with sufficient training (Target=100%)
% of conflicts resolved, or being addressed, through conflict resolution processes (Target X)
% of sites with participatory monitoring and self-enforcement programs (by country)
(Target=50% of demo sites)
% of reef users are licensed/have use permits
Conflict mitigation systems in place, with stakeholder participation
% of legislation/rules enforced
MPA/reserve/community reserve (presence/absence)
Management plans/legislation revised/developed through participatory processes (Yes/No)
Legislation permits for local participation in management/enforcement (Yes/No)
% MPA/community reserves with co-management plans (i.e.
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