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number of tourism sector jobs ► Allocation of resources (distribution among community members, sectors, gender, socal unit, SMEs) ► National PRSP (poverty) monitoring (allocation of benefits such as jobs, income, access to social services, contribution of tourism towards poverty alleviation) ► Sustainable tourism indicators, including competitiveness, ecological footprint of tourist, ecological footprints of tourism resorts Environmental Status Indicators ► % of coastal ecosystem (in tourist zones) considered to be in good condition (re: erosion, maintenance, contamination, garbage) ► % of coastal ecosystems (particularly beaches, mangroves, reef areas targeted by tourism) considered to be in good condition and/or considered degraded (GIS based) ► Environmental benefits (areas under management, specific measures of key ecological benefits such as area protected, area rehabilitated, species conserved) ► Increased stakeholder awareness and documented stakeholder involvement Broad tourism data is available from the Lagos State Waterfront & Tourism Development Corporation. (%) of destination / coastal zone stakeholders in the three sites participating in SEA process ► Social benefits provided by the tourism industry (number employed, measures of increased health, waste management, general environmental infrastructure, distribution of benefits) ► Sustainable tourism indicators – competitiveness, ecological footprint of tourist, level of voluntary environmental regulation ► Environmental benefits (specific measures of key ecological benefits such as areas 101 Revised Draft 2 ► 07.07.2009 rehabilitated, areas with visitor management plans in place) % of coastal ecosystems (particularly beaches, mangroves, reef areas targeted by tourism) considered to be in good condition and/or considered degraded (GIS based indicator) Environmental Status Indicators ► % of waste reduction from tourism industry ► Aggregate water consumption reductions ► Aggregate energy reductions / increase in the use of non-hydrocarbon & renewable energy sources ► Coliform counts on key coastal water bodies (% of water bodies with monitoring) ► Increased stakeholder awareness and documented stakeholder involvement Note that the above list of indicators is to be used as a menu for elaboration of site specific indicators which will be selected during the project initiation phase.

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