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32 Annex B 7: Senegal Site 1 (EMS on Petite Cote): Work Plan for year 1 (1st July 2009 - 30th June 2010): to be reviewed in Nov 2009 in order to fit with the next government budget cycle No Activity/Task 1 Develop and agree an MoU between UNIDO and DEEC Agree disbursement procedure for demo GEF funds Identify and recruit Demo Coordinator Prepare and implement initial demo project awareness raising activities (public event, brochure) Identify and nominate key representatives from each stakeholder group as a local management committee (EMS & erosion control management) Undertake a baseline survey to identify the key sources of local land-based contamination in the tourist sector and report the results Undertake a local assessment of capacity gaps (in the three sub-theme areas) and report the results to check against proposed 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quarter One (Jul-Sept) Quarter Two (Oct- Dec) Quarter Three (Jan –March) 33 Quarter Four (April – June) Lead agency Budget 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 activities Develop a partnership action plan/pathway for each and agree roles Design and agree an information collection, analysis, use and dissemination action plan Design and produce educational materials on HIV/AIDS, gender and environmental conservation and disseminate throughout the project period Develop and test an enhanced monitoring mechanism for destination planning using UNWTO indicators Identify and establish an MoU with a locally based training and/or research institute Begin work with selected hotels to demonstrate an investment rationale for EMS, eco-certification and labelling Start to identify actions required by hotels & partners in order to gain eco-label status 34 Annex B 8: Senegal Site 2: Work Plan for year 1 (1st July 2009 - 30th June 2010): to be reviewed in Nov 2009 in order to fit with the next government budget cycle No Activity/Task 1 Develop and agree an MoU between UNIDO and DEEC 2 Agree disbursement procedure for demo GEF funds Identify and recruit Demo Coordinator Prepare and implement initial demo project awareness raising activities (public event, brochure) Identify and nominate key representatives from each stakeholder group as a local management committee (eco-tourism) Undertake a baseline survey to identify the key local land- and marine based contamination in the tourist sector and report the results Undertake a local assessment of capacity gaps 3 4 5 6 7 Quarter One (Jul-Sept) Quarter Two (Oct- Dec) Quarter Three (Jan –March) Lead agency Budget This column needs to be completed by the Senegalese stakeholders 35 Quarter Four (April – June) This column needs to be completed by the Senegalese stakeholders 8 9 10 11 12 13 (in eco-tourism) and report the results to check against proposed activities Develop a partnership action plan/pathway for eco-tourism and agree roles Design and agree an information collection, analysis, use and dissemination action plan Design and produce educational materials on HIV/AIDS, gender and environmental conservation and disseminate throughout the project period Develop and test an enhanced monitoring mechanism for destination planning using UNWTO indicators Build upon existing Centre de Suivi Ecologique mapping and develop beach/lagoon & marine use maps and complete for all the community ecotourism sites Share the mapping results with all relevant stakeholders in order to establish a use zoning and conservation management approach 36 14 15 Identify and establish an MoU with a locally based training and/or research institute to begin work on a training needs assessment Begin work with selected communities to design their eco-tourism products and support them to develop an investment plan 37

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