Tourism is the most important pillar of the Seychelles economy through direct and indirect contributions to the domestic economy (GDP), and through inflows of foreign currency, including tourism receipts and foreign direct investment. The COAST project works through a sister GEF project called; Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Sectors Project, which has a sub component focusing on tourism sustainability and environmental management.
Seychelles Demonstration Project
It is recognized that since UNDP is already implementing the Mainstreaming Biodiversity & Eco-Tourism Project in the Seychelles, and that this has closely linked objectives to the COAST project, it will make sense to develop a close and coordinated working relationship with this initiative.
The main decisions and discussion points from the visit are outlined below:
Strategic Decisions:
The COAST Project should utilize the already established and expanding network of contacts that the UNDP implemented Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Eco-Tourism Project (MBETP) has and not attempt to duplicate this work.
- The COAST project will therefore request the UNDP’s project manager and Tourism Link Person (Jan Rijpma and Joseph Rath) to request the existing Project Steering Committee to take on the additional responsibility of linking up with the regional COAST Project, and provide oversight to both initiatives on behalf of the Seychelles.
- The Seychelles is to send at least one representative to the first COAST Steering Committee and Inception Workshop which is to be held in Mozambique in mid July.
Operational Decisions:
- It was recognized that the COAST Sustainable Tourism project and the MBETP require to have coordinated timescales and work plans in order to maximise synergy between these two GEF supported initiatives.
The call for small eco-tourism and biodiversity projects to be implemented under the MBETP may allow both projects to benefit from each other COAST project benefiting from site specific developments and learning in the Seychelles, and MBETP and partners benefitting from some of the regional capacity building initiatives to be funding by the COAST Project. Capacity building projects may include for example; EMS, eco-tourism,
reef and beach management, educational and awareness raising initiatives, promotion of local products and services.
The following action points were agreed:
1. Mr Alain De Comarmond to follow up on the identification of a Tourism Sector Focal Point for the COAST Project.
2. Both projects to exchange work plans on a regular basis and to utilize web-based materials/portals for learning purposes.
3. Invitations to the first Steering Committee Meeting and Inception Workshop to be sent by the Technical Coordinator of the COAST Project as soon as possible.
4. Commitment by all parties in the two associated projects to have regular email sharing and correspondence.
Management Team
Ms. Sinha LEVKOVIC |