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COAST Project Progress Reports 1 Background Information 1.1 Project site Kartung, Tumani Tenda and Boat and Fishing Association of Denton Bridge (BFADB) Demo Sites 1.2 Reporting period May to December 2010 1.3 Relevant COAST Project theme (Sustainable Tourism BAPs/BATs, regulatory and policy arrangements, and sustainable financing, ecotourism, ICZM & land use planning, Governance and Management) 1.4 Executing agency/partnership update National Environment Agency (NEA) in collaboration with Gambia Tourism Authority (GTA) 2 Staff details of Executing Agency (applies to all personnel/experts/consultants/volunteers) working on behalf of the COAST project Functional Title Demo Site Coordinator Focal Point Focal Point Desk Officer Director Intersectoral Organisation/Department Nature of support (personnel, equipment, consultancy, training, communication, etc) National Environment Personnel, office space Agency (NEA) National Environment Personnel, office space Agency (NEA) Gambia Tourism Authority Personnel (GTA) National Environment Personnel, office space Agency (NEA) National Environment Personnel, office space Network Director Admin.
Action Plan, Ghana – Jan 2011 – Dec 2011 Activity of Global Plan Project management 1.1 1.2 Activity of Annual Plan Develop and agree on MOU between UNIDO and EPA Agree disbursement procedure for demo GEF funds Procurement of office and field equipment (laptops, desktops, printers, motorbike Undertake a baseline survey to indentify the key sources of local land –base contamination, erosion and biodiversity /environmental/social stress measurement at the demo project sites and report the result Begin to work on the existing District tourism development plan to transform it into an integrated tourism plan Concrete Actions Start Aug 2010 A S O N D J F M A July 2011 M J J Budget ($) UNIDO Others Responsibility FPs FPs Competitive bidding Selection of lowest bidder Supervise delivery Develop terms of reference FPs 10,000 4,000 FPs + Coord + committee 12,000 6,000 FPs + Coord + committee Delegate site committee responsibilities Collect data, produce map of demo project site Result analysis and recommendations Presentations and sensitization Implementation of solution Meeting of stakeholders Review existing plan if any Facilitate development of integrated tourism plan Facilitate implementation of plan Enforce and monitor compliance Clean up at beach- estuary to District assembly Produce posters and information boards Development of waste management systems 1.3 Establish tourist information centre Sensitization of behavioral change of beach communities / fishermen Commission a consultant Develop terms of reference to study the marine and cost erosion problem and Recruit consultant through building on previous / competitive bidding / work to make a costed delegate committee recommendation for responsibilities addressing issues Data collection / reports 5,000 3,000 FPs + Coord + committee 6,000 3,000 FPs + Coord + committee Implement recommendations 1.4 Hold series of stakeholder meetings for water way users to develop to develop a negotiated water use zones for estuary and islands Hold three meetings with boats users, river fishermen, chalets and hotels to agree on zonation for estuary and island Develop guidelines and information as agreed at meetings Purchase inputs for water demarcation Implement guidelines – information boards and inputs in place 1.6 Produce awareness materials on EMS for hoteliers, fishing and hunting regulations, community waste disposal, sand winning 1.7-1.9 Meet with stakeholders to discuss issues around mangrove cutting and re-afforestation and agree on actions Enforce and monitor compliance Select hotels and organize training workshop Introduce EMS technology and practice Best EMS technology selected and adopted Develop sanitation monitoring and certification Select areas and agreed on information to create awareness Produce information boards, posters etc..
PLAN DE TRAVAIL ANNUEL TOURISME COTIER DURABLE ANNEE 2011 Libellé Introduction du volontaire recruté par l’OMT auprès des autorités nationales et locales Réunion de concertation, de sensibilisation et de présentation du Plan de Travail Annuel (Comité Opérationnel locale) Collecte et analyse des données sur le BAT/BAP Identification des modules de formation avec les structures pouvant participer à la formation des acteurs Signature des mémorandums d’Entente avec les structures de formation nationales Renforcement des capacités des acteurs Production du matériel de sensibilisation Réunion de concertation entre le volontaire et le comité opérationnel de base sur l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des plans intégrés du tourisme dans les sites du projet Acquisition du matériel de bureau pour le Coordonnateur Réunion d’évaluation et de programmations des activités 2012 Suivi évaluation Production du rapport annuel Mars -mai X Juin- août Sept- nov.
COAST Project Progress Reports 1 Background Information 1.1 Project site Kartung, Tumani Tenda and Boat and Fishing Association of Denton Bridge (BFADB) Demo Sites 1.2 Reporting period May to December 2010 1.3 Relevant COAST Project theme (Sustainable Tourism BAPs/BATs, regulatory and policy arrangements, and sustainable financing, ecotourism, ICZM & land use planning, Governance and Management) 1.4 Executing agency/partnership update National Environment Agency (NEA) in collaboration with Gambia Tourism Authority (GTA) 2 Staff details of Executing Agency (applies to all personnel/experts/consultants/volunteers) working on behalf of the COAST project Functional Title Demo Site Coordinator Focal Point Focal Point Desk Officer Director Intersectoral Organisation/Department Nature of support (personnel, equipment, consultancy, training, communication, etc) National Environment Personnel, office space Agency (NEA) National Environment Personnel, office space Agency (NEA) Gambia Tourism Authority Personnel (GTA) National Environment Personnel, office space Agency (NEA) National Environment Personnel, office space Network Director Admin.
Main Result 4 (Component 4) Captured, managed and disseminated information to assist in replication and uptake of best practices and lessons Activities contributing towards Result 4: 4.1 Targeted awareness raising to encourage enforcement of natural resource sustainable use within tourism development areas (in TDAs) and in protected areas 4.2 Raise awareness about GIPFZA (a one-stop shop for tourism investors) 4.3 Design and disseminate HIV/AIDS and gender awareness materials widely within the demo project area in order to address equity concerns among stakeholders 4.4 Disseminate lessons of best practice and advances in Gambian community-based ecotourism through case studies that include tangible information on socio-economic management practices resulting from such visits at demo sites Number and type of the BAPs and BATs documented and disseminated Number and type of media used to disseminate the project results Number, type and extent of awareness raising events Number and type of materials produced and the extent of their dissemination Number and type of information materials produced and the extent of their dissemination Availability of such information in GTA, NEA, DPWLM, hotels and tour operator offices, and their visitor packages Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Project publications and website resources Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Stakeholders within the demo project area are willing to share their experiences with other areas and organisations beyond the demo project site and environmental improvements
Work Plan Outlines for: 2011 Demonstration Project Work plan (Kartung, Tumani Tenda and Denton Bridge Demo Sites) ACTIVITY 1.1 Develop baseline environmental, social and economic indicators for each BAP or BAT intervention (3 sub sites) 1.2 Review and promote the rights of indigenous peoples by identifying community needs (through community visioning exercises) particularly regarding ecotourism developments and subsistence resource use in protected areas 1.3 Support the development of information/ interpretation centres at each site, in addition to other facilities as appropriate (toilets, restaurant and retail facilities) 1.4 Disseminate codes of conduct (and develop for Oyster creek) incorporating cultural and social themes, and environmental issues, for both tourists and local community members 1.5 Develop a detailed land use and tourism development plan, guidelines and regulations for the Lobe falls area 1.6 Support local eco-tourism fayres between formal private sector hotels, ground handlers, ASSET members and other CBOs to foster mutually beneficial and improved coordination and cooperation 1.7 At Tumani Tenda area facilitate the development of a partnership between the community and a private sector operator, to help mentor the community to: improve the quality of their tourism product and facilities;
Main Result 2 (Component 2) Developed mechanisms for sustainable tourism governance and management Activities contributing towards Result 2: 2.1 Support the development of a multi-partner stakeholder group, including government departments (tourism, environment, forestry, wildlife), community based organisations, NGOs, and the private sector (including the deep water port developer) to improve communication, enforcement, cooperation, streamline overlapping mandates and resolve conflicts within the Kribi demo site area 2.2 Support and test the draft EIA A coastal zone task force or multipartner group with diverse representation of stakeholders is meeting on a regular and effective basis, and is able to influence government and private sector initiatives within the demo site(s) Project reports Evidence of the feedback and results provided to the multipartner group and evidence of policy revisions Evidence of a sustainable coordination mechanism for destination planning at the demo sites Project publications and website resources Coastal zone multi-partner meetings and reports Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Meeting reports and recommendations Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Partner organisation reports (as above) Number of recommendations on The existing stakeholders will welcome the COAST project and be willing to take on and promote the recommendations arising from the demo sites, thereby providing a mechanism for influencing governance and future policy Build upon the Inter-communal Tourism Office formerly supported by SNV at Kribi.
Developed mechanisms for sustainable tourism governance & management a) Multi-stakeholder group meeting and advocating for improved coastal zone management Interviews Demo coordinator with Base year, then once every year thereafter support from site management committee during annual impact assessment exercise Questionnaire targeting businesses and tourism enterprises Demo coordinator with Base year, then once every year thereafter support from site management committee during annual impact assessment exercise c) EIA/EMS awareness among stakeholders at demo sites Questionnaire a) Locally based training service provider exists/ identified b) TNA completed Interviews Demo coordinator with Base year, then once support from site every year then mid management committee term and final year annual impact assessment exercise Demo coordinator and Base year, then once training provider every year thereafter during annual impact assessment exercise Consultant and Demo Base year coordinator b) EIA guidelines development for coastal area Baseline information on identity of members of the group (Proposed or existing), and their resource commitments, existence of any cooperation or coordination in Kribi Number and type of recommendations made to change regulations, number and type of investors following guidelines Evidence of EIA regulation + monitoring by responsible office 3.
Nature des dépenses par activité Coût total FFEM LUDEPRENA Projet COAST OBJECTIF N° 1 : CONSERVER LA FORET, LA MANGROVE ET LE COCOTIER Activité 1.1: Localiser et cartographier et la zone géographique incluant des données socio-économiques Obtention des cartes géographiques XOF 2, 952,000 XOF 2, 952,000 EUR 4,500 EUR 4,500 Étude environnementale et socio- XOF XOF 656,000 656,000 économique EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 Ateliers de restitution et définition des XOF 2, 624,000 2, 624,000 XOF 7 zones (1/village, 50 pers) 4,000 EUR 4,000 EUR Activité 1.2: Effectuer un inventaire de biodiversité sur les zones concernées Effectuer un inventaire de biodiversité XOF 330,000 XOF 330,000 656,000 XOF pour les zones manquantes 500 EUR 500 EUR 1,000 EUR Atelier participatif pour définir les XOF 2, 624,000 2, 624,000 XOF sites (1/village, 50 pers) 4,000 EUR 4,000 EUR Campagnes de reboisement (transport, XOF 3, 608,000 3, 608,000 XOF nourriture) 5,500 EUR 5,500 EUR Évaluation (4 campagnes * 1 jour * 4 XOF XOF 656,000 656,000 personnes) EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 Activité 1.4: Mettre en place un mécanisme de gestion locale, durable et de pérennisation des acquis Réunion du comite de pilotage (12 XOF 1, 312,000 1, 312,000 XOF meeting * 7 personnes) 2,000 EUR 2,000 EUR Légalisation du comité de pilotage XOF 131,200 131,200 XOF (Obtention des statuts juridique) 200 EUR 200 EUR Sous-total objectif 1 XOF 15, 219,200 XOF 10, 627,200 XOF 1, 312,000 XOF 3, 280,000 EUR 23,200 EUR 16,200 EUR 2,000 EUR 5,000 OBJECTIF 2: CRÉER DES MÉCANISMES DE GÉNÉRATION DE REVENUS À TRAVERS L’UTILISATION DURABLE DES RESSOURCES BIOLOGIQUES EN COLLABORATION AVEC LES POPULATIONS LOCALES Activité 2 1 : Mettre en place des pépinières selon les espèces et les besoins des populations Achat de matériel (gaines, semence, XOF 1, 312,000 1, 640,000 XOF noix, brouette, terreau, eau) 2,000 EUR 2,500 EUR Rempotage et entretien (5 personnes * XOF 1, 312,000 1, 312,000 XOF 60 jours) 2,000 EUR 2,000 EUR Activité 2.2: Promouvoir l’horticulture, l’exploitation des ressources halieutiques, l’exploitation des noix de coco et l’exploitation des plantes médicinales basées sur des espèces locales Atelier participatif dans chaque village XOF 3,280 ,000 XOF 3,280 ,000 pour la sélection des bénéficiaires de EUR 5,000 5,000 EUR formation Atelier de sélection des espèces XOF XOF 656,000 656,000 horticoles introduites (60 pers, 1 EUR EUR 1,000 1,000 expert) Atelier de sélection des plantes XOF 328,000 328,000 XOF médicinales (20 pers, 1 expert) EUR 500 EUR 500 Activité 2.3: Développer un circuit de visites écologiques à travers la mangrove, les cocotiers, la forêt et le jardin médicinal avec les éco-guides Établissement des tracés potentiels de XOF 328,000 XOF 656,000 984,000 XOF circuit (10 pers*1jour*3 circuits) 500 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,500 EUR Ateliers de validation des tracées de 328,000 XOF 656,000 XOF 984,000 XOF circuits (3 * 25 personnes) 500 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,500 EUR Traçage des circuits finaux 328,000 XOF 656,000 XOF 984,000 XOF 500 EUR 1,000 EUR 1,500 EUR Fabrication des panneaux de 2, 624,000 XOF 2, 624,000 XOF 5, 248,000 XOF signalisation 4,000 EUR 4,000 EUR 8,000 EUR Installation des panneaux (1 journée XOF 656,000 XOF 656,000 par site, 5 pers) EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 Activité 2.4: Mettre en place un fond de gestion et d’appui au développement local Ouverture du compte XOF 65,600 XOF 65,600 EUR 100 EUR 100 Assemblée générale (2) XOF 1, 968,000 XOF 1, 968,000 EUR 3,000 EUR 3,000 Sous-total Objectif 2 XOF 18, 105,600 XOF 12, 857,600 XOF 656,000 XOF 4, 592,000 EUR 27,600 EUR 19,600 EUR 1,000 EUR 7,000 OBJECTIF 3 : SENSIBILISER ET FORMER LES POPULATIONS RIVERAINES SUR L’IMPORTANCE DU PROJET.
REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix – Travail – Patrie ---------------MINISTERE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT ET DE LA PROTECTION DE LA NATURE --------------- REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON Peace – Work – Fatherland ----------------MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND PROTECTION OF NATURE ----------------- PROJET TOURISME COTIER DURABLE RAPPORT D’ACTIVITES Janvier 2011 Introduction Le tourisme en zone côtière s’appuie sur une combinaison unique de ressources, permise par l’interface entre la terre et la mer, où l’on trouve des atouts comme l’eau, les plages, la beauté des paysages, la richesse de la biodiversité terrestre et marine, un patrimoine culturel et historique varié, de la nourriture saine et une bonne infrastructure en général.
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