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Developed mechanisms for sustainable tourism governance & management a) Multi-stakeholder group meeting and advocating for improved coastal zone management Interviews Demo coordinator with Base year, then once every year thereafter support from site management committee during annual impact assessment exercise Questionnaire targeting businesses and tourism enterprises Demo coordinator with Base year, then once every year thereafter support from site management committee during annual impact assessment exercise c) EIA/EMS awareness among stakeholders at demo sites Questionnaire a) Locally based training service provider exists/ identified b) TNA completed Interviews Demo coordinator with Base year, then once support from site every year then mid management committee term and final year annual impact assessment exercise Demo coordinator and Base year, then once training provider every year thereafter during annual impact assessment exercise Consultant and Demo Base year coordinator b) EIA guidelines development for coastal area Baseline information on identity of members of the group (Proposed or existing), and their resource commitments, existence of any cooperation or coordination in Kribi Number and type of recommendations made to change regulations, number and type of investors following guidelines Evidence of EIA regulation + monitoring by responsible office 3.

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