- Info
Work Plan Outlines for: 2011
Demonstration Project Work plan (Kartung, Tumani Tenda and Denton Bridge Demo Sites)
1.1 Develop baseline environmental, social and
economic indicators for each BAP or BAT
intervention (3 sub sites)
1.2 Review and promote the rights of
indigenous peoples by identifying community
needs (through community visioning exercises)
particularly regarding ecotourism developments
and subsistence resource use in protected areas
1.3 Support the development of information/
interpretation centres at each site, in addition to
other facilities as appropriate (toilets, restaurant
and retail facilities)
1.4 Disseminate codes of conduct (and develop
for Oyster creek) incorporating cultural and
social themes, and environmental issues, for
both tourists and local community members
1.5 Develop a detailed land use and tourism
development plan, guidelines and
regulations for the Lobe falls area
1.6 Support local eco-tourism fayres between
formal private sector hotels, ground handlers,
ASSET members and other CBOs to foster
mutually beneficial and improved coordination
and cooperation
1.7 At Tumani Tenda area facilitate the
development of a partnership between the
community and a private sector operator, to help
mentor the community to: improve the quality
of their tourism product and facilities;
Main Result 4 (Component
Captured, managed and
disseminated information to
assist in replication and uptake
of best practices and lessons
Activities contributing towards
Result 4:
4.1 Targeted awareness raising
to encourage enforcement of
natural resource sustainable use
within tourism development
areas (in TDAs) and in
protected areas
4.2 Raise awareness about
GIPFZA (a one-stop shop for
tourism investors)
4.3 Design and disseminate
HIV/AIDS and gender
awareness materials widely
within the demo project area in
order to address equity
concerns among stakeholders
4.4 Disseminate lessons of best
practice and advances in
Gambian community-based
ecotourism through case
studies that include tangible
information on socio-economic
management practices resulting
from such visits at demo sites
Number and type of the BAPs
and BATs documented and
Number and type of media used
to disseminate the project
Number, type and extent of
awareness raising events
Number and type of materials
produced and the extent of their
Number and type of information
materials produced and the
extent of their dissemination
Availability of such information
in GTA, NEA, DPWLM, hotels
and tour operator offices, and
their visitor packages
Project publications and
website resources
Stakeholder views and
perspectives from participatory
Project publications and
website resources
Stakeholder views and
perspectives from participatory
Stakeholders within the demo
project area are willing to share
their experiences with other
areas and organisations beyond
the demo project site
and environmental
COAST Project Progress Reports
Background Information
1.1 Project site
Kartung, Tumani Tenda and Boat and Fishing Association of Denton
Bridge (BFADB) Demo Sites
1.2 Reporting period
May to December 2010
1.3 Relevant COAST Project theme (Sustainable Tourism BAPs/BATs,
regulatory and policy arrangements, and sustainable financing, ecotourism, ICZM & land use planning, Governance and Management)
1.4 Executing agency/partnership update
National Environment Agency (NEA) in collaboration with Gambia
Tourism Authority (GTA)
Staff details of Executing Agency (applies to all
personnel/experts/consultants/volunteers) working on behalf of the
COAST project
Functional Title
Demo Site
Focal Point
Focal Point
Desk Officer
Director Intersectoral
Organisation/Department Nature of support
consultancy, training,
communication, etc)
National Environment
Personnel, office space
Agency (NEA)
National Environment
Personnel, office space
Agency (NEA)
Gambia Tourism Authority Personnel
National Environment
Personnel, office space
Agency (NEA)
National Environment
Personnel, office space
Director Admin.