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Main Result 2 (Component 2) Developed mechanisms for sustainable tourism governance and management Activities contributing towards Result 2: 2.1 Support the development of a multi-partner stakeholder group, including government departments (tourism, environment, forestry, wildlife), community based organisations, NGOs, and the private sector (including the deep water port developer) to improve communication, enforcement, cooperation, streamline overlapping mandates and resolve conflicts within the Kribi demo site area 2.2 Support and test the draft EIA A coastal zone task force or multipartner group with diverse representation of stakeholders is meeting on a regular and effective basis, and is able to influence government and private sector initiatives within the demo site(s) Project reports Evidence of the feedback and results provided to the multipartner group and evidence of policy revisions Evidence of a sustainable coordination mechanism for destination planning at the demo sites Project publications and website resources Coastal zone multi-partner meetings and reports Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Meeting reports and recommendations Stakeholder views and perspectives from participatory surveys Partner organisation reports (as above) Number of recommendations on The existing stakeholders will welcome the COAST project and be willing to take on and promote the recommendations arising from the demo sites, thereby providing a mechanism for influencing governance and future policy Build upon the Inter-communal Tourism Office formerly supported by SNV at Kribi.

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