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REPÚBLIC OF MOÇAMBIQUE MINISTERY FOR COORDINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL -MICOA PROVINCIAL DIRECTORAT FOR COORDINATION OF ENVIRONMENTALINHAMBANE COAST- PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT FOR PROJECT DEMO SITE – MOZAMBIQUE (OctoberJanuary 2011) 1 Background Information 1.1 Demonstration project “Community-based eco-tourism, reef management and environmental management systems, focusing on Tofo Bay and Pomene Reserve and coastline. Project Status 3.1 Information on the delivery of outputs and services ITEM NO DESCRIPTION OF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY/SERVICE (AS LISTED IN PROBLEMS STATUS (COMPLETE/ WORK UNDERTAKEN THE DURING THE ENCOUNTERED: ONGOING) WORKPLAN/CONTRACT/LOA) (issues that need addressing: REPORTING PERIOD decisions/ actions taken) 1 Prepare and implement initial demo project awareness raising activities (public event, brochure) complete 2 Undertake a local assessment of capacity gaps and training needs vis-à-vis the proposed BATs and BAPs & report the results 3 Identify and nominate key representatives from each stakeholder group as a local management committee) completed 4 Develop a partnership action plan/pathway for each activity and agree roles on going Complete Prepared 300 brochures (handouts) to introduce project activities and realized the first workshop to launch officially the project and four seminaries in Massinga, Pomene and Tofo.

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